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Many bird-watchers in southwestern Ontario rely on the information divided into Ontario Field Ornithologists, especially in the spring and fall migrations. Rare bird alerts every day a treasure trove of interesting information posted on the website, that offer ONTBIRDS they succeed. Bird-watchers can alert you by e-mail, because they are written, or they can be handy Subscribe to the Daily Digest. I pour the scanning of the national news and reports from other parts of the province on a daily basis. This service is only one of many aspects of volunteer-based organization, which is also known as OFO. In operation since 1982, it is still a vibrant useful web-based resources instead of bricks presence. Robert Maciver Cambridge is the current President of the OFO is. "Our goal is to support and promote interest in birds and nature in general in the province," he said in an interview. "We want to engage people in all regions of the province. Not surprisingly, many members of the GTA, but we are happy bird reports and participation of members in northern Ontario so much."
A member of the OFO, I often made trips through the many experts. There are dozens of tours that cover the province each year. This month alone, there are six trips to parks and other birding hot spots. OFO members receive two publications. OFO message properties in Ontario birding sites, book reviews, and birds of challenges. Ontario Birds is published three times a year. It is usually a rare bird reports and scientific studies. The organization also publishes interesting articles online. I, eager to read the articles on bird identification, or objects, such as the annual forecast of winter finches on the basis of the seeds of last summer. OFO evaluate reports of a rare bird sightings. Your Ontario Bird Records Committee, a panel of experts for bird-watchers across the province, took part in this work. Many of the members of the organization are waiting for the annual meeting, a guest speaker and many bird watching trips promotions. This year's meeting will be held in Ottawa at the end of the month. OFO does an excellent job of keeping their website, othe