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llion dollars or he/she will kill a passenger every 20 minutes. Marks, of course has one way to solve this problem, kick as much ass as possible. What works with Non-Stop is the setting, everyone on the airplane could be a suspect, the audience almost has as much fun trying to figure out who is behind the plan as Neeson has solving it….or no solving it….or die trying, I cant give away the ending. With every scenario getting played out, more and more suspects begin to get checked off the list. Though the plot can get absolutely dumb at times, credit goes to the writers for putting together a script that is constantly moving forward at a great pace. Until the third act, oh my oh my what a third act in Non-Stop. The final sequences and reveals of the plot are so unbelievable and stupid that the movie loses nearly all of the kudos it gained with the first two acts. If you don’t groan at all with the final 15 minutes, we may have watched different movies. With a solid supporting cast including Julianne Moore, I really did expect something more from Non-Stop; but ultimately the movie just begs for the credits to roll and will be lost among the by the numbers action movies seen in today’s theaters.

Sean Molloy is film and tech writer for the Informer Media Group. He received his Bachelor’s in Literature and Film Studies from the University of Redlands in 2013. In his spare time he is a master open water diver and obsesses over cars he can’t afford.

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